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Fun!visor Programs




What are Fun!Visor activities?

The Springer Fun!visors are part of the Project Cornerstone program and are parent-hosted lunchtime activities. It is a way to show the kids that there are multiple "caring adults" in their school community to help build their self-esteem by helping them find their "sparks," and to give kids without strong friend connections something fun to do during lunch.

Parent Volunteers are needed!

These opportunities are very flexible and can be scheduled at your convenience with younger siblings along for the ride. Parents are welcome to sign up to help with the programs.


Fun!visor Schedule:


  • Mondays: Library (6th grade); STEM Lab (4th, 5th 6th grade)
  • Tuesdays: Library (5th grade); STEM Lab (1st, 2nd, 3rd grade)
  • Wednesdays: Library (3rd & 4th grade); STEM Lab (1st, 2nd, 3rd grade)
  • Thursdays: Lego Club in the multipurpose room; Library (1st & 2nd grade)
  • Fridays: Dance Party near the mural; Run For Your Life on the field; STEM Lab (4th, 5th, 6th grade)


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