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Shortcuts to Key Project Cornerstone Information(4) Middle School SEL Curriculum
Founded in 1999, Project Cornerstone is a community initiative, led by YMCA of Silicon Valley, with the mission to create an environment where all adults support youth so they grow up to be healthy, caring, and responsible adults. The programs are structured around the 40 Developmental Assets established by researchers at the Search Institute. Developmental Assets outline the positive experiences, relationships, skills, and values that children and teens need to grow into thriving adults.At Springer, we leverage the ABC program for K-5 and the MIddle School SEL Program for 6th graders.
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Asset Building Champion (ABC reading program)
The ABC program has a three-year curriculum with different books and lessons each year. The first year of the program is called the Asset year (Growing UPstanders), followed by the Building year (Inclusion), and lastly the Champion year (Connect with Empathy). Each year of the program has a pre-selected theme and a corresponding set of 7 books/lessons that are taught schoolwide by volunteers. Every class in grades K-5 read the same book and then engages in discussion and activities with their ABC docent. Our foundational concepts and vocabulary are introduced right from kindergarten and are reiterated and contextualized with every higher grade.
Many of the lessons, especially during the first year of the program, are aimed at decreasing peer abuse. These anti-bullying practices benefit everyone. Studies show that bullying isn't only harmful to the target, children who fail to develop more appropriate social skills go on to struggle in school, in personal relationships, and in their careers. One of our Springer students said it best during a Project Cornerstone discussion:
"Bullying makes everyone sad because it feels awful to watch someone you know is nice being treated badly."
Middle School Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum for 6th graders:
Middle School is a time of significant social and emotional development. Lessons are aligned to the CASEL five core competencies of Social and Emotional Learning, the Developmental Assets, and the Developmental Relationships. Module content includes specially selected relevant topics for middle schoolers with a focus on wellness, skill development, and cultivating behaviors and mindsets to help middle schoolers thrive. The docents for this program deliver monthly Middle School SEL curriculum to students, with the goal of:
**If you have additional questions about Project Cornerstone at Springer or want to give us feedback on the content of this page, please contact the Project Cornerstone Leads: Kavvya Rao or Mikee Chen
3/29/25 1:19 AM