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Thank You!!
Thank you for a great start to the school year. The children have come in energetic (in a good way!) and ready to learn. There are lots of smiles and excitement.
Thank you if you attended Tuesday’s Back-to-School Night. Your presence in our classrooms that evening sends a strong message to your children that you value their educational experience.
Thank you for joining PTA. The support PTA provides for our students is vital. Thank you for your support of LAEF, which allows us to provide excellent programs that many school districts are unable to give to their students.
Thank you for volunteering at Springer. It truly takes a village to deliver all that we do. And, thank you for signing in at the office when you come on campus to volunteer. It helps keep the campus safe.
Lastly, thank you for being safe in the parking lot by following the procedures for drop-off and pick-up. Remember to watch your speed in and around the parking lot. Only enter the parking lot in the entry and only exit from the exit. Obey the crossing guard and be ever so watchful for pedestrians and bicycles.
We really are off to a great start. Enjoy the extended weekend!
11/23/24 5:22 AM