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Take a Breath and Savor the moment
Today, because of a substitute shortage, I found myself subbing in a 6th grade classroom. While I certainly had a pile of work on my desk and a to-do list on multiple sheets of paper, I actually relished the chance to get back in the classroom and work with students as a teacher. And, as a former junior high teacher, I find 6th graders to be a good fit for me!
After lunch today, we had a short discussion of mindfulness. I explained that mindfulness is the ability to be totally present and in the moment. Being in the moment means that we aren’t thinking about the past or worrying about the future. By being mindful, we are completely aware of ourselves, others around us, and our current surroundings.
To demonstrate, I asked the students to sit still and quiet. I told them that I was going to ring a chime and when they could no longer hear the chime, they were to put a finger on their nose. The room quickly became quiet. I hit the chime and we all silently listened. After what seemed like a minute (but was actually about 7 seconds), students began placing fingers on their nose. The room remained totally quiet even after that. Was there ever a more focused time than that 7 seconds? I asked the students if they would like to repeat the experiment- which they, of course did. Some commented that they felt relaxed and calm during the exercise. That’s a part of being mindful, I told them.
As we are about to enter the busy holiday season, on top of our already busy schedules, demands, and obligations, I invite all of you to take time to practice mindfulness.
“It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself” - From the book Arriving at your own Door: 108 Lessons in Mindfulness
Have a great weekend
Wade Spenader-Principal
11/23/24 5:12 AM